• The author of this article is Dr. Gowri Kulkarni, Head of Medical Operations, MediBuddy

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that is very common in our country. Plaques, which are thick, dried, itchy, and pigmented patches of skin are seen in Psoriasis. Psoriasis develops when your immune system, which generally fights off infections, starts attacking healthy cells. Although there is no permanent cure available, flare-ups can be avoided with appropriate care.
There are various types of the disease like plaque psoriasis, nail psoriasis, inverse psoriasis, etc. The aggravating cause of psoriasis differs from individual to individual. It can also be genetic. Hence, it is important to recognize the factors that trigger its flare-up so it can be prevented. Stress contributes significantly to this sickness as the immune system has an inflammatory response to it. 
Practicing yoga, meditation, and other forms of stress relief techniques helps to avoid flare-ups. Similarly, consuming a healthy anti-inflammatory diet which includes leafy vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, etc. while avoiding food that is processed or high in refined sugar is also important. Obese individuals are also more prone to develop severe symptoms.
Applying sunscreen when moving out during the day is crucial as sunburns can worsen the condition. However, adequate exposure to sunlight is necessary. Moisturizing and hydrating the skin is a significant approach for those suffering from psoriasis since extreme dryness can induce flare-ups and lead to cracking and bleeding of the skin. If the disease infects the scalp, using shampoos with salicylic acid to ensure adequate moisturization may help. Keeping the air moist at home with a humidifier could minimize the symptoms of psoriasis, too. Maintaining one’s Vitamin D levels is an important step, especially during winter for psoriasis patients. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are potential risk factors for psoriasis. It may intensify the symptoms of the sickness. 
Skin injuries that aggravate this disease can be prevented by refraining from getting piercings, tattoos, or any other activities that can trigger inflammation. Doctors often recommend UV light therapy and creams along with medications for the treatment of psoriasis. Bleeding and cracked skin, darkened and raised patches that burn or itch, thick nails, and inflamed joints are all symptoms of psoriasis.  
The treatments vary for different types of psoriasis and are also dependent on its severity. Living with this sickness can be eased if one follows the appropriate steps and observes a hygienic and healthy lifestyle.

