Mediwave's innovative emergency response suite showcased at Global Mobile Awards

Mediwave, a leading health technology company, has been recognized as a finalist in the prestigious Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO), part of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) hosted by the GSMA in Barcelona, Spain. This recognition highlights Mediwave’s outstanding contributions in this field, particularly its innovative and integrated use of AI, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and mixed reality technologies.

Mediwave has transformed Sri Lanka’s national-level pre-hospital emergency care free ambulance service, 1990 Suwa Seriya, through its end-to-end emergency response suite. This solution, recently touted as the first of its kind in the world, digitizes and improves service delivery through AI, augmented reality, and mixed reality capabilities. This achievement is a significant milestone for Mediwave, which is expanding its global reach with a range of life-enhancing health technology solutions, including emergency response, digital healthcare enablement, and the AI-powered smart health portfolio.

The company also showcased its full range of innovations at 4 Years From Now (4YFN), which is an integral part of the GSMA’s MWC and serves as a catalyst for startups at the forefront of future technologies, providing them with valuable networking and exposure opportunities.

Mediwave’s Chief Executive Officer, Suren Pinto, said: “It was a proud and humbling moment for our emergency response suite to be showcased alongside leading global brands at the GLOMO Awards. We are grateful to the 1990 Suwa Seriya Foundation for working with us to bring this solution to life and create a huge impact in Sri Lanka.” With our pioneering solutions, we have ventured into Australia, the United States and some Asian countries. As an emerging force in healthcare, I look forward to the many milestones and growth stories we will build with industry veterans. »

Mediwave is transforming the healthcare ecosystem by introducing quality-of-life technology that can be seamlessly integrated into many sectors affected by emergencies and life-threatening scenarios. Their innovative technology enables fast, proactive, and immersive interventions, improving connected patient care through a scalable architecture.

