Illustrative image of bone structure representing bone health

The plight of postmenopausal women grappling with low bone mass found a new hope at Endo 2023. Bone Health Technologies’ Osteoboost emerged as a hero, presenting a novel, non-pharmacological avenue for treatment.

The double-blinded study observed 126 postmenopausal women over 12 months. Subjects using Osteoboost experienced an 82% reduction in bone strength loss and an 85% reduction in bone density loss, thanks to targeted vibration to the lumbar spine and hips.

Laura Bilek, Ph.D., and Laura Yecies, CEO of Bone Health Technologies, extolled Osteoboost’s breakthrough in bone health. Osteoboost’s wearable design, coupled with the absence of adverse effects, establishes it as an empowering tool for millions facing osteopenia.

This is just the beginning for Osteoboost as it ushers in a new era of bone health treatment with its innovative technology.

