Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai recently marked a milestone by performing its eighth successful heart transplant. This operation was conducted on a 40-year-old patient grappling with Amyloidosis, a rare, life-threatening condition. The story demonstrates Apollo’s dedication to making advanced healthcare accessible to economically disadvantaged patients through trust and crowd funding.
The patient arrived at Apollo suffering from severe chest pain, breathlessness, and fatigue due to Amyloidosis, which had affected his heart, causing heart failure. His only survival option was a heart transplant. Despite the financial challenges faced by the patient, Apollo made sure he received the best medical care.
On April 4th, 2023, the transplant team, with the commendable assistance of the traffic control police, Mumbai & Navi Mumbai, created a green corridor to transport the donor heart. The heart was retrieved from a brain-dead individual in a South Mumbai hospital and was transported to Apollo in just 46 minutes, covering 40 km. The heart transplant surgery was successful, with the patient now demonstrating remarkable progress in the heart transplant ICU.
Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai’s commitment to advanced healthcare and financial support to its patients reinforces its position as a leader in healthcare services, making a significant difference in patients’ lives and making advanced healthcare accessible to all.